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淫詞豔曲|Sexual Poetry 今日: 0|主題: 1050|排名: 100 










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公告 公告: WK綜合論壇 各論壇網址一覽表 2017-5-20 admin 2017-5-20    
[其他趣闻] If i thought kangpham 2019-8-31 0786 kangpham 2019-8-31 12:39
[其他趣闻] A wife's Desire kangpham 2019-8-31 0773 kangpham 2019-8-31 12:20
[其他趣闻] IF I"M IN HELL AND YOU ARE IN HEAVEN kangpham 2019-8-30 0521 kangpham 2019-8-30 20:44
[其他趣闻] I have the kangpham 2019-8-30 0509 kangpham 2019-8-30 20:42
[其他趣闻] If you be with the one you love, love the one you are with kangpham 2019-8-30 0573 kangpham 2019-8-30 20:41
[其他趣闻] In lover's shy , all stars are eclipsed by the eyes of the one you love kangpham 2019-8-30 0497 kangpham 2019-8-30 20:02
[其他趣闻] I looked at your fare... my heart jumped all over the place kangpham 2019-8-30 0439 kangpham 2019-8-30 20:01
[其他趣闻] I would rather be poor and in love with you, than being rich and not having anyone kangpham 2019-8-30 1512 tutanka 2020-12-4 07:17
[其他趣闻] I'd give up my life if i could command one smille of your eyes, one touch of your hand kangpham 2019-8-30 0478 kangpham 2019-8-30 19:58
[其他趣闻] Hate has a reason for everithing bot love is unreasonable kangpham 2019-8-30 0508 kangpham 2019-8-30 19:57
[其他趣闻] How an you love another if you don't love yourself ? kangpham 2019-8-30 0545 kangpham 2019-8-30 19:56
[其他趣闻] Frendship often ends in love , but love in frendship-never kangpham 2019-8-30 0487 kangpham 2019-8-30 19:56
[其他趣闻] You know when you love someone when you want them to be happy event if their kangpham 2019-8-30 0488 kangpham 2019-8-30 17:10
[其他趣闻] Don't stop giving love even if you don't receive it . Smile anf have patience kangpham 2019-8-30 0532 kangpham 2019-8-30 17:09
[其他趣闻] Beatuty is not the eyes of the beholder kangpham 2019-8-30 0511 kangpham 2019-8-30 17:09
[其他趣闻] Believe in the sprit of love .. it can heal all things kangpham 2019-8-30 0478 kangpham 2019-8-30 17:08
[其他趣闻] A geat love is not one who lover many , but one who loves one woman for life kangpham 2019-8-30 0477 kangpham 2019-8-30 17:08
[其他趣闻] A cute guy can open up my eyes , a smart guy can open up a nice guy can open up may heart kangpham 2019-8-30 0429 kangpham 2019-8-30 17:07
[其他趣闻] A man falls in love through his eyes , a woman through her ears kangpham 2019-8-30 0440 kangpham 2019-8-30 17:06
[其他趣闻] All the wealth of the world could not buy you a frend , not pay you for the loss of one kangpham 2019-8-30 0456 kangpham 2019-8-30 17:06
[其他趣闻] You know you love someone when you cannot put into words how they make you fell kangpham 2019-8-30 0439 kangpham 2019-8-30 17:05
[其他趣闻] Don't try so hard , the best things come when you least expect them to kangpham 2019-8-30 0408 kangpham 2019-8-30 17:04
[其他趣闻] Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened kangpham 2019-8-30 0394 kangpham 2019-8-30 15:47
[其他趣闻] Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right kangpham 2019-8-30 0408 kangpham 2019-8-30 15:46
[其他趣闻] Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you kangpham 2019-8-30 0441 kangpham 2019-8-30 15:46
[其他趣闻] To the world you may be one person , but to one person you may be the world kangpham 2019-8-30 0370 kangpham 2019-8-30 15:45
[其他趣闻] Falling in love with your smile kangpham 2019-8-30 0406 kangpham 2019-8-30 15:44
[其他趣闻] miss someone kangpham 2019-8-30 0390 kangpham 2019-8-30 15:44
[其他趣闻] Just because someone kangpham 2019-8-30 0364 kangpham 2019-8-30 15:43
[其他趣闻] No man or woman is worth your tears , and the one who is , won't make you cry kangpham 2019-8-30 0438 kangpham 2019-8-30 15:42
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