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- 2007-1-20
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- 1970-1-1
累計簽到:392 天 連續簽到:1 天
长江三峡西起重庆奉节县白帝城,东至湖北宜昌市南津关,全长193千米。沿途两岸奇峰陡立、峭壁对峙,自西向东依次为瞿塘峡、巫峡、西陵峡。重庆巫山县境内,有大宁河小三峡、马渡河小小三峡。长江沿线重庆境内,有“水下碑林”白鹤梁,“东方神曲之乡”丰都鬼城,建筑风格奇特的石宝寨、“巴蜀胜境”张飞庙、蜀汉皇帝刘备的托孤堂、龙骨坡巫山文化遗址等景观- }8 N. S! ?: u% w
The Three Gorges have showed the magic workings of nature with their marvelous andbeautiful mountains and waters. The grotesque peaks and rocks on the two sides of the ThreeGorges are accounting the great changes taking place in the region in the past billionyears,and the variegated wracks of lives sleeping deep between the rock layers are narratingthe history of the evolvement of lives during the past hundreds of millions of years.How manyvisitors have been attraded here by the charming thou-sand-year-long history of theregion,the great ancient relics of human civilization,and the mysterious folktales!Sandwiched between the mountains on the mid part of the Yangtze River,the ThreeGorges runs across Fengjie and Wushan Mountain in Sichuan Province and Badong,Zigui,andYichang in Hubei Province,extending 193 kilometers tong to include Qutang Gorge,WuxiaGorge,and Xiling Gorge.City of White Emperor in Fengjie is the vital passage of the west partof the Three Gorges. Nanjinguan in Yichang is the important gateway of the east part. Alongthe banks of the Yangtze River,the high peaks rise in emerald verdure overhanging rocks towerinto the clouds,dangerous cliffs seem to reach the sky,rocks are jagged andgrotesque,waterfalls are spraying and sparkling,clouds and mists are curling,rapids andtorrents are seething,and fierce waves are deep,serene and exquisite./ I) e8 L7 o5 }) E, z9 I4 }% A
长江三峡以其奇秀壮丽的山水风景尽显了大自然的神工巧匠。三峡两岸陡峭连绵的山峰,形状怪异的奇石叙述者当地成千上万年之间所发生的巨大变化;岩层中沉睡这的斑驳混杂的生物遗骸诉说着成千上万当中生命进化的历史。有多少游人被这里千年历史的迷人风光,人类文明的文物古迹以及神秘灵异的故事传说所吸引!倾泻于长江中部、崇山峻岭之间的三峡,流经四川省奉节县的白帝城和巫山,湖北省的巴东、秭归和宜昌,全长193公里,洽途包括瞿塘峡,巫峡和西陵峡。奉节的白帝城是三峡西端的重要通道,宜吕的南津关是砚峡东部的重要途径。漫漫长江两岸青葱翠绿的山脉山峰矗立,顶上欲坠的悬崖直人云霄,陡峭险要的绝壁跃与上天空,岩石千切怪异,江水汹涌澎湃,云雾缭绕,迅流湍急。 m% c x$ a9 l' [# Z$ @2 O. {
0 Y1 k$ v+ s# g, U" v; w Currently the Three Gorges region is most famous for the Three Gorges Dam.The Three gorgesDam is under construction at a place called Sandouping in the middle of the Xiling Gorge. Thedam is not yet complete,but the construction has already cut off the flow of the river,andtherefore the water level in the Qutang,Wuxia,and the western portion of the Xiling gorgeshas already begun to rise. In addition to the impact of the dam on the ecology and people(i.e. the mass relocation of towns and villages)of the region,the dam will also change thescenery of the Three Gorges. Because the water level will be higher,the gorges will be lessnarrow and the mountains will appear lower. Proponents of the dam point out that because themountains reach several thousand feet above the river,the gorges are still likely to offerspectacular views of the surrounding cliffs,and it should be noted that most riverboatcompanies that operate in the three Gorges intend to continue to offer tours of the region.The increase in width of the Gorges will also allow larger ships through the gorges and it isanticipated that river traffic of all kinds will increase.
) Y6 w8 s" T( H0 N5 k) L9 O 如今,长江三峡最令人关注的地方则是三峡大坝三峡大坝的位置在四陵峡中部,一个叫三斗坪的地方。二程建设日前还没有个部完成,不过对西陵峡的截流早已顺利完成。因此,现在的瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡西面部分的水位已经开始上涨。三峡大坝除了会给当地的生态和人民生活带来影响外(如大批城镇村落的迁移),还会改变三峡原来如画的风景。由于水位的升高,几个峡谷会显得没有以前那么狭窄,两面的山峰也会显得没有以前那么高大。三峡大坝的支持者们则说,因为两面的山峰高出水面好几千英尺,三峡依然能够给旅游观光者们呈现出周围的悬崖峭壁。而且还要大家注意,即大部分在三峡载客的轮船公司打算继续在这里为游人服务。三峡的宽度增加也会允许较大船只在里面通过,所以,预计各种形式的水上旅行将会有所增加。
! i7 S$ m# c6 l8 |2 I ?# ` From east to west,it measures 8kilometers,starting from Baidicheng and ending atDaixi township. With vertical cliffs of some thousandmeters high as its two flanks,the Qutang gorge isonly a few dozens of meters wide just like a narrowgateway. With swash and rumble,the surging Yangtze River pours into the gateway with greatmomentum. Looking up towards the tops of towering precipitous mountains along theGorge,one sees from a boat only a narrow strip of clouds and sky,but under foot the Rivertears on violently. Qutang Gorge is outstanding for its grandeur and magnificence.
7 }2 v5 \3 S9 g6 ]& m4 v 翟塘峡,西起奉节自帝城,东至巫山黛溪,峡长8公里。南北两岸峭壁千初,如刀砍斧削般,江流汹涌于宽仅百余米的狭窄江道之中长江水迅流湍急,具有排山倒海之势。船过其间,举头仰望,云大一线;环绕四周,江水奔腾。瞿塘峡以其雄伟壮丽而闻名于世。
2 C5 }# F- ?% `8 m3 x; V& P2 z ]+ l It extends 40 kilometers from the mouth of Daning River of Wushan Mountain in the west toGuandukou of Badong in the east. The Wuxia Gorge is gifted with exquisite peaks and lushmountains and ranges. It's deep and serene with changeable weather.The rolling river twistsand turns and boats zigzag their way along,as if cruising in a fantastic gallery. The twelvepeaks of Wushan Mountain all rise to the blue sky.They are endowed with various fascinatingshapes.Among them,the most fabulous is the Peak of Goddess. It pierces through theheaven,and towers over the Yangtze River. A protruding rock of the Peak has the shape of aslim girl shrouded in clouds and mist faintly visible as if clad in fine gauze dress,lookingattractive and exuding tenderness and love.
# w. r& U$ F+ ] 巫峡西起巫山县大宁河口,东至巴东县官渡口,峡长40公里。巫峡以其秀美迷人的山峰和万木葱笼的山脉而著名二大山深不可测,安详静谧却气候多变奔腾的河水和船渡呈之字形前行,犹如在一个荒诞怪异的长廊中漫游巫山的12座山峰亭亭玉立,直插蓝天。神采各异,风姿有别,其中最富魅力的是神女峰。它高入云霄,俯视长江,山峰上一块突出的岩石犹如一个天上的仙女,在云雾缭绕下忽隐忽现,其身影美妙迷人,散发着温柔和爱意。' a. U, V" H) i5 A% E2 Q. Y
It measures 75 kilometers from Xiangxikou to Nanjinguan.The whole Gorge area is covered withhigh mountains,gullies,dangerous shoals and hidden reefs of various sizes. The best-knownperilous shoal is Qing Shoal.It's formed by collapsed craggy cliffs. Surging waves and rapidcurrents churn over the shoal embedded with rocks and stones here and there,and thendrop two meters in elevation. Ships go downstream over the shoal at an arrow speed,but upthe shoal is as difficult as climbing a steep hill.5 ~4 _# b7 a8 v- u C# n- z0 B. y
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